At some point this index will be hotlinked and reformatted with indents and completion of the chemical names that became truncated. It is being included in this rudimentary form only to permit viewers to better be able to know the contents that are within the book. For the time being, the “search” function should be used for navigation.
The index has been updated to reflect the removal of those chapters detailing mescaline’s physical and pharmacological properties, assays and identification criteria, usage, isolations & cultivation of cacti. The contents of those chapters can be found elsewhere and will be added to this site in the future as rapidly as time permits.
1,2-dimethyl-6,7-dimethoxy-8-hydroxy-3,4-dihydrois 216, 218
1-methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-8-hydroxy-3,4-dihydroisoqui 216, 218
structure 315
structure 315
2-methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-8-hydroxy-3,4-dihydroisoqui 216, 218
structure 314
3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine 214
3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethyl-glycine 218
3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylglycine 218
3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylalanine 218
structure 315
structure 318
structure 318
3,4-dihydro-6,7-diMeO-8-OH-2-Me-isoquinolinium inn
structure 318
structure 318
3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 314
structure 313
structure 313
structure 314
3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine 120, 214
separation from mescaline 353
structure 313
3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenethylamine 126, 131
28,13B-olide 322
3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 314
structure 313
3-methoxytyramine 103, 120, 214
structure 313
structure 314
structure 314
4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 312
structure 312
6,7-dimethoxy-8-hydroxy-3,4-dihydroisoquinoline 216, 218
7-hydroxy-6-methoxy-2-methyl-THIQ 120
56.1153 350
60.0450 412
1046 412
53086 425
abbreviations 7
Aberle, David Friend 360
abstracts of useful manipulations 352
Acacia 167
amentacea 166
spp 167
acetic acid 392
acetone 392
acetonitrile 392
Acharagma aguirreana 94
Adavasio & Fry 1976 219
Agave lechuguilla 167
Aguas Calientes 165
Akers, John Frank 360
Alamosenogenin 322
Albert I, Prince 360
alkaloid biosynthesis
studies 219
alkaloid cross-list 446
Amberlite IRA 401 352
structure 312
amulet 155
structure 322
Ancash 351
Anderson, Edward (“Ted”) F. 360
anhalamine 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 131, 134, 138, 139, 143, 215, 218
effects 213
structure 317
anhalidine 103, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 131, 134, 138, 139, 143, 215, 218
effects 213
structure 317
anhalinine 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 131, 134, 138, 139, 215, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
structure 317
anhalonidine 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 131, 134, 138, 139, 143, 215, 218, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
effects 211
structure 317
anhalonine 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 131, 134, 138, 139, 216
effects 213
structure 317
jourdanianum 139
lewinii 150
botanical drawing 122
williamsii 121, 150
Heffter’s image (= Lophophora diffusa) 122
anhalotine 215
structure 318
Anonymous 1959 206
antiseptic 155
Appendices 358
Johnny 360
archaeological study 219
José 360
Paul 360
Arequipa 120
structure 316
laetus 273
Gerald Kench 360
structure 322
Atropa belladonna 152
Austrcylindropuntia cylindrica 231
songs 225, 226
azee 150, 151
azee’ chíÌidii 150
azee’ diyinÌ 150
azee’ yitíaalii 150
Aztekium ritteri 93, 103
entry 103
Backeberg, Curt 360
structure 316
bac·noc 150
bad seed 150
Liberty Hyde 360
structure 322
Baum, Bernard Rene 360
bee-sugar 150
Bennett, Wendell Clark 360
Benson, Lyman David 360
Benson 1972 280
benzene 392
betalains 111
structure 322
betulinic acid
structure 322
beyo 150
structure 315
bibliographic database
suggestion for creating 225
biisung 150
biote 150
biznaga 150
black-brush acacia 166
blindness 155
structure 314
structure 312
boiling point of solvents 392
53086 425
structure 312
breast pains 155
structure 322
structure 322
structure 322
Browningieae 94
Bruhn et al. 1978 220
Bruhn et al. 2002 220
Bruhn & Holmstedt 1974 123, 136, 206, 220
bruises 155
structure 322
butanol 392
button 151, 204, 221, 275
Cacavalia cordifolia 152
Cactaceae 93, 94
Cacteae 93, 94
cacti containing mescaline 93
Cactinae 93
cactus 150
alkaloid crosslisting 446
buttons 150
cactus-pudding 150
cactus sand 204
caffeine 103
structure 322
structure 313
structure 317
camaba 150, 151
structure 322
candicine 213
structure 312
carbon tetrachloride 392
Carnegiea gigantea 260
structure 317
carrot 152
Castela texana 166
Catamarca 104
Catarina-Copita 155
Catorce 165
Cephalocereus melanostele 260
Cephalocereus sp 260
Cereinae 93
Cereoideae 93
acranthus 260
peruvianus 260
sp 260
Cerro de Peotillos 165
challote 150
Chapter 1 29
Endnotes 56
Chapter 2 77
Chapter 3
endnotes 276
Chapter 7 101
Chapter 10 350
endnotes 357
Chapter 13 358
Charalampous et al. 1966
isolation abstract 354
Charles Grimaldi 360
charm 155
chaute 150
chewing medicine 151
structure 322
chiculi hualala saeliami 154
chiee 150, 151
chief 150
chief peyote 154
Chihuahua 165
childbirth 155
chin cactus 104
chloroform 392
structure 322
structure 322
structure 322
choline 142
Chubul 107
ciguri 150
Coahuila 165, 219, 206, 126, 219
Cochabamba 110
cochalic acid
structure 322
Coldenia canescens 167
colds 155
collection numbers
database 307
Knize 299
Ritter 307
collection scene 74
colorin 220
comarapa 107
Condalia spp 167
Copita 155
structure 313
corypalline 120
structure 316
macromeris 260
palmeri 260
runyonii 260
scolymoides 260
spp 167
Coryphantha scolymoides 270
structure 312
cramps 155
creosote bush 167
crest 411
Cretaceous 155
Trichocereus bridgesii
monstrose 377, 444
Crosby & McLaughlin 1973
isolation abstract 353
crosslisting of alkaloids 446
crucifixion thorn 167
Cuatro Cienegas 219
cuts 155
cyclohexane 392
structure 322
acanthocarpa 229
imbricata 233
spinosior 234
Cylindropuntiae 93
DCM 393
structure 318
structure 318
structure 316
structure 316
structure 318
structure 319
structure 319
structure 316, 317
DeSmet & Bruhn 2003 220
devil’s root 150
devil medicine 151
diabetes 155
diabolic root 150
dichlor 393
dichloromethane 393
dielectric contants 392
diethylamine 392
diethyl ether 392
dimethylamine 392
dimethylformamide 392
dimethylsulfoxide 392
dioxane 392
distribution of peyote 80
divine cactus 150
divine herb 150
DJF 377
DMSO 392
Donnan & Mackey 1978 280
dopamine 214, 313
Dowex 50 W-X4 354
dream buttons 150
druses 204
dryness and alkaloids 206
dry whisky 150, 154
structure 322
dumpling cactus 150
Durango 165
DyidÈ 16
eagle’s claw cactus 167
ear-eating 154
echinata 139
Echinocactinae 93
Echinocactus horizonthalonius 167
Echinocactus jourdanianus 139
Echinocactus schmiedickeanus 256
Echinocactus williamsii a pellotinica 121
electrophoresis of mescaline 355
El-Seedi et al. 2005 220
suggested order 392
background & perspective 56
Ch 1 56
Ch 3 276
Ch 10 357
occurrences 276
occurrence of mescaline 276
opening comments 24
solvent properties table 394
useful manipulations 357
enema use 280
structure 313
epinine 214, 313
Epiphyllum sp 260
structure 323
errors 260
erynginol A
structure 323
Erythrina flabelliformis
seed 220
structure 323
ethanol 392
ether 392
ethyl acetate 392
Euphorbia antisyphilitica 167
Father Peyote 151
field collection #
database 307
Knize 299
Ritter 307
fish-hook 167
flash point of solvents 392
Flourensia cernua 167
flower 150
foutouri 150
FR 17 307
FR 26 307
FR 70 307
FR 72 307
FR 101 307
FR 155 307
FR 155a 307
FR 156 307
FR 270 307
FR 270a 307
FR 567 307
FR 567a 307
FR 615 307
FR 676 307
FR 677 307
FR 677a 307
FR 853 307
FR 856 307
FR 991 307
FR 993 307
FR 994 307
FR 1467 307
FR 1468 307
fractures 155
structure 323
structure 323
frogs 211
Fujita et al. 1972 218
funnels 280
Furst on ancient peyote 220
Garceno 155
ghost medicine 151
gicuri 150
structure 317
globulars 119
glucaric acid 103, 134, 218
GR 1086 138
Grandfather Peyote 154
green whiskey 150
Albert Honoré Charles 360
grippe 155
gummosogenin 323
Gymnocactus aguirreanus 94
Gymnocactus beguinii 261
Gymnocalycium achirasense 93, 104, 112
analysis 111
Gymnocalycium asterium 93, 104
analysis 111
var. paucispinum 111
Gymnocalycium baldianum 93, 104, 105
analysis 111
entry 104
Gymnocalycium calochlorum 93, 104, 105, 106
analysis 113
entry 105
Gymnocalycium carminanthum 93, 104
analysis 113
Gymnocalycium comarapense 93, 104
analysis 113
entry 107
Gymnocalycium denudatum 93, 104
analysis 113
Gymnocalycium fleischerianum 104, 261
analysis 113, 114
Gymnocalycium gibbosum 93, 104, 114
analysis 114
cv. schlumbergii 108
entry 107
var. gibbosum 107, 108
water content 114
Gymnocalycium guerkeanum 110
Gymnocalycium horridispinum 93, 104
analysis 114
entry 108
Gymnocalycium leeanum 93, 104, 108, 109, 114
analysis 114
entry 108
Gymnocalycium mesopotamicum 93, 104
analysis 114
Gymnocalycium monvillei 93, 104
analysis 115
Gymnocalycium moserianum 93, 104
analysis 115
Gymnocalycium multiflorum 109
entry 109
Gymnocalycium netrelianum 93, 104
analysis 115
entry 109
Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum 93, 104
analysis 115
Gymnocalycium oenanthemum 93, 104, 115
analysis 115
Gymnocalycium paraguayense 93, 104
analysis 116
Gymnocalycium platense 119
Gymnocalycium quehlianum 93, 104, 116
analysis 116
Gymnocalycium ragonesii 93, 104
analysis 116
Gymnocalycium riograndense 93, 104, 110, 116
analysis 116
entry 110
Gymnocalycium riojense 104, 261
analysis 116
Gymnocalycium species
analysis reported 111
entry 104
Gymnocalycium stellatum 93, 104
analysis 116, 117
Gymnocalycium striglianum 93, 104
analysis 117
entry 110
Gymnocalycium triacanthum 93, 104, 117, 118
analysis 117
Gymnocalycium uebelmannianum 93, 104
analysis 117
Gymnocalycium uruguayense 110
Gymnocalycium valnicekianum 93, 104, 110, 117
analysis 117
entry 110
Gymnocalycium vatteri 93, 104, 111, 119
analysis 119
entry 111
H 53086 Bolivia 425
hahaayanx 150
hair 226
Hamatocactus spp 167
hatzimouika 154
HCl gas 354
healing wash 155
structure 316
hemorrhages 155
heptane 392
hexane 393
hiccoughs 155
hicoli 150
hicore 150
hÌcori 150
hÌcouri 150
hÌculi 150
hÌcuri 150
hÌkoli 150
hÌkori 150
hik˙ri 150
hÌkuli 150
hÌkuli houanamÈ 154
hÌkuli wal˙la s‰lÌami 154
hi-kuri 150
hÌkuri 150
hÌkurÌ-ÌkurÌwa 154
hi-kuri owa-me 154
hi-kuri waname 150, 154
hi-kuri waru-ra seriame 154
hi-kuri wikara-re 154
Hildago 165
ho 150
ho-as 150
hogim· 154
Holy medicine 151
hoos 150
hordenine 103, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 126, 131, 134, 138, 139, 213, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258
effects 211
structure 312
hos 150
ho-se 150
houanamÈ 150
houatari 150
houtari 150
huaname 150
Huarochiri 89
huatari 150
human urine
recovering mescaline 354
huÒka 150
hus 150
Hutchison 543 89
Hutchison 1046 412
structure 317
structure 317
icaros 225, 226
icuri 150
iguana 280
indian dope 150
infections 155
influenza 155
Inquisition law 227
intestinal ills 155
ion-exchange resin 352
IPA 393
i-propanol 393
San Pedro 409
Some simple tryptamines 409
ISI 98-20 425
Islaya minor 93
entry 120
isoanhalamine 215
structure 317
isoanhalidine 215
structure 317
isoanhalonidine 215
structure 317
structure 316
structure 318
structure 319
structure 319
isopellotine 215
structure 317
isopropanol 393
key to structural table 315
structure table 316
structure 317
structure 316
Jalisco 165
Jardin Exotique, Monaco 3487 412
Jatropha dioica 167
jÌcoli 150
jÌcori 150
jÌculi 150
jicuri 150
jicurite 150
jÌkuli 150
jÌkuri 150
Jimenez-Quemado 155
Johnson, Harry S. 350
joutori 150
kamaba 150
kamba 150
key to structural tables 315
Kimnach et al. 2760B 425
KK242 395
KK2151 307
KK2152 307
KK2175 307
KK2176 307
Knize 396
Kobuki-ubadama 143
Koeberlinia spinosa 167
Krebs acid conjugates 321
Krebs cycle conjugates
structure 321
kÛp 150
La Plata 107
Larrea tridentata 167
Las Tablas 252
solvents 392
leather plant 167
lechuguilla 167
structure 316
Lemaireocereus laetus 273
likuri 150
liquor head 154
structure 316
structure 316
structure 316
longimammine 312
structure 316
longispinogenin 323
structure 323
structure 317
flowering 129, 419
possible hybrids 145
sp. Parras 129, 419
Lophophora decipiens 140, 142
entry 143
type specimen 139
Lophophora diffusa 93, 121, 122, 123, 124, 417
analysis reported 134
& Anhalonium williamsii 122
entry 121
flower 123
seedlings 123
var. koehresii 134, 136
analysis reported 126
entry 126, 133
flower 134
Lophophora echinata
crest 411
Lophophora fricii 93, 126, 127
flower 126, 127, 129, 419
flowering 125
Lophophora jourdaniana 93, 131, 132, 421, 427, 428
analysis reported 139
entry 130
fruit 130
Lophophora koehresii 93
Lophophora species
no labels 422
Lophophora williamsii 7, 10, 29, 83, 84, 93, 151, 152, 151, 182, 155, 216, 205, 227, 210, 101, 358, 102, 182, 413, 417, 422
87 year old 206
alkaloid biosynthesis
studies 219
alkaloid content 205
seasonal fluctuations 206
alkaloids identified 213
ancient 219
analysis reported 204
ancient 219
archaeological recovery 219
Australia 150
cactus sand 204
cultivation in closet 227
description 176
distribution 155
distribution map 80
druses 204
eaten 206
echinata 90, 139, 153
entry 150
etymology 150
f. caespitosa 137
first illustration 145
flower 430
flowering 87
folk use 155
grafted 83, 84, 358, 417
hair 226
in habitat 95, 96
Inquisition Law 227
mescaline content 204
impact of water deprivation 206
mummified 220
music 225, 226
name meaning 150
occurrence 80, 155
oxalate druses 204
percentage of alkaloid reported 207
peyote button 204, 221, 275
pollen 195
radiocarbon dating 219
regrowth after harvest 176, 208
sacramental history 155
scale insects 87
seasonal fluctuations 206
songs 225, 226
spines 131, 163, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 433
suggested reading 223
var. caespitosa 216, 138, 216, 138, 222
analysis reported 218
entry 143
var. decipiens 142, 145
analysis reported 218
var. echinata 8, 93, 182, 146
var. pentagona 142
analysis reported 218
var. texensis 143
var. typica 214
analysis reported 219
var. williamsii 182
weightlifting 1
williamsii 147, 149
lophophorine 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 131, 134, 138, 139, 143, 216, 218
effects 211
separating from mescaline 353
structure 317
lophotine 216
structure 318
lotebush 167
L.S.D. cactus 150
LSD cactus 154
structure 323
structure 323
structure 323
machaeric acid
structure 323
machaerinic acid
structure 323
Machaerocereus eruca 73
macromerine 260
structure 314
makan 150
Mammillaria 154
Mammillaria spp 167
Marini-BettÚlo & Coch Frugoni 1958
electrophoresis of mescaline 355
Martin, Ralph 307
Matucana 11, 12
Maverick 155
McLaughlin & Paul 1966
isolation abstract 352
McLaughlin & Paul 1967
isolation abstract 285
medicine 150
medicine of god 150
medizin 150
MEK 393
Melocactus 119
Melocactus peruvianus 261
Mendoza 107
mescal 150, 154
mescal bean 150
mescal button 150
mescale 150
mescaline 103, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 126, 131, 134, 138, 139, 214, 218, 219, 253, 255, 257, 258
3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine, separation from 353
citrimide 217
structure 321
electrophoresis 355
erroneous reports 260
errors 260
isocitrimide lactone 217
structure 321
lophophorine, separating from 353
maleimide 217
structure 321
malimide 217
structure 321
occurrence list 93
pellotine, separating from 353
preparative tlc 354
questionable 260
structure 314
succinamide 217
structure 321
trace reports 260
mescaline containing species 89
mescalito 150
mescaloruvic acid 217, 142
structure 321
mescalotam 142
structure 318, 321
mescaloxylic acid 217, 142
structure 321
mesquite 167
structure 313
structure 312
methanol 393
methyl betulinate
structure 323
methylene chloride 393
methyl epithelanthate
structure 323
methyl ethyl ketone 393
methyl machaerinate
structure 323
methyl oleanolate
structure 323
methyl queretaroate
structure 323
Mexican buckeye 222
mezcal buttons 150
Mitragyna africana 16
collection scene 74
Moche ceramic 280
Mollendo 120
Trichocereus bridgesii 445
moon 150, 152
moon pods 152
mother hurimoa 154
mummified peyote 220
Murrah Cave 220
Musacchio & Goldstein 1967
isolation abstract 354
muscale buttons 150
peyote 225, 226
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 261
myrtillogenic acid
structure 323
N-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine)-alanine 142
N-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine)-glycine 142
N-acetyl-3-demethylmescaline 214
N-acetyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 314
N-acetylanhalamine 215
N-acetylanhalonine 217
N-acetyl DMPEA
structure 313
N-acetylmescaline 215
structure 315
structure 313
nat·inoni 150
naw-tai-no-nee 150
Neolloydia schmiedickeanus var. schwarzii 258
Neolloydia spp 167
Neoraimondia macrostibas 261
nesac 150
Newcomb, WW 220
nezats 150
N-formyl-3-demethylmescaline 214
N-formyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 314
N-formylanhalamine 215
N-formylanhalinine 215
N-formylanhalonidine 215
N-formylanhalonine 217
N-formylmescaline 215
structure 314
N-formyl-O-methylanhalonidine 216
Nickels, Anna B. 210
nicouri 150
nihook’eh doo bÌnii’oh 154
ni’iln’ÌÌ’ sizÌnii 154
nipple cactus 167
N-methyl-3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine 126, 131, 214
N-methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 314
structure 313
N-methyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 312
N-methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-isoquinolinium chloride
structure 318
structure 316
structure 317
N-methylmescaline 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 126, 131, 134, 138, 139, 214, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
structure 314
structure 313
structure 319
structure 312
N-methyltyramine 103, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 126, 131, 134, 138, 139, 213, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
structure 312
N,N-dimethyl-3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine 103
N,N-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine 214
structure 314
N,N-dimethyl-3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethylamine 131
structure 313
N,N-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenethylamine 214
N,N-dimethyl-4-methoxy-b-hydroxyphenethylamine 312
N,N-dimethyl-4-methoxyphenethylamine 312
N,N-dimethylmescaline 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 253, 255, 256, 258
structure 312
nonc-g·ien 150
norepinephrine 313
normacromerine 260
structure 313
structure 313
structure 317
structure 319
Notocacteae 94
n-propanol 393
Nuevo Leon 103
Nuevo LÈon 165
occurrence of peyote 80
structure 312
o-jay-bee-kee 150
oleanolic acid
structure 324
oleanolic aldehyde
structure 324
ololiuqui 150
structure 313
O-methylanhalidine 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 131, 134, 138, 139, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
O-methylanhalonidine 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 215
structure 317
O-methylcandicine 312
structure 316
O-methylpellotine 131, 134, 136, 216
structure 317
O-methylpeyoruvic acid 217
structure 318
O-methylpeyoxylic acid 217
structure 318
Opuntia 93
Opuntia acanthocarpa 93
Opuntia atrispina
companion 175
Opuntia basilaris 93
Opuntia echinocarpa 93
Opuntia ficus-indica
Australia 92
Opuntia imbricata 93
Opuntia leptocaulis 167
Opuntia pachiypus 261
Opuntia sp 261
Opuntia spinosior 93, 353
Opuntieae 93
Opuntioideae 94
Ostolaza 1998 280
owa-me 154
oxalate druses 204
P 150
pachanol A
structure 324
Pachycereeae 94
pachycereine 319
pajÈ 150
Pang 1992 280
paralysis 155
Pardanani et al. 1978
isolation abstract 353
Parras 129, 419
partially eaten peyote 206
pee-yot 150
peiotl 150, 152
pejori 150
pejote 150
pejuta 150
Pelecyphora aselliformis 93, 423
pellote 150
pellotine 103, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 131, 134, 138, 139, 143, 215, 218, 219, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
effects 211
methiodide 215
separating from mescaline 353
structure 317
pencil cactus 167
penicillin resistant bacteria 212
structure 324
pentane 393
peodi 150
peote 150
peotl 150
percentages of alkaloids
chronology of alkaloid identification 209
effects 212
nonmescaline alkaloids
pharmacological overview 211
Pereskia corrugata 93
Pereskia tampicana 93
Pereskieae 93
Pereskioideae 94
Pereskiopsis scandens 93
Peru 56.1153 350
Peru 60.0450 412
peyiotl 150
peyocactin 212
peyoglunal 142
structure 321
peyoglutam 142
structure 318, 321
peyonine 142
structure 321
peyophorine 217
structure 318
peyori 150
peyoruvic acid 217
structure 318
peyot 150
peyote button 204, 221, 275
peyote crisis 77, 79
peyote harvests 78
peyote medicine 154
peyote music 225, 226
peyote woman 154
peyotine 143, 215
structure 318
pÈyotl 150
peyotlevye 150
peyotlkaktus 150
peyotl of the goddesses 154
peyotl of the gods 154
pÈyotl zacatecensis 150
peyotyl 150
peyoxylic acid 217
structure 318
pezote 150
phenethylamine 120, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
key to structural table 315
structure 312
structure table 312
structure 319
piote 150
piotes 212
piotl 150
piule 150
pi.yot 150
pneumonia 155
Poisson 1960
isolation abstract 355
polarity index 392
Polaskia chende 93, 9
Porlieria angustifolia
flower 169
PR 3293 138
preparative tlc 354
Prince Albert I 360
propanol 393
Prosopis laevigata 167
protection 155
structure 317
Pterocereus gaumeri 93
pulmonary issues 155
structure 318
pyridine 393
Quepo 280
Queretaro 254
QuerÈtaro 121, 165
queretaroic acid
structure 324
structure 324
questions 260
quinic acid 103, 134
raÌz diabÛlica 150
Ratsch 1998 280
rat urine
recovering mescaline from 354
Rauschgiftkaktus 150
Reading suggestions 374
Real del Catorce 165
red bean 220
Requirement 41
Reynosa 155
RhaÔtoumuanitarihua-hicouri 154
rheumatism 155
RÌo Chubut 107
RÌo Negro 107
Rio Rimac 89
field collection # 307
rock lifting
peyote 1
Rosenberg et al. 1967
isolation abstract 352
Rouhier 1927 80
RS0003 395
Sacred Cacti
covers 2
sacred mushroom 150
structure 313
Salomon et al. 1949
isolation abstract 355
structure 316
structure 316
structure 316
San Luis 107
San Luis Potosi 252, 254, 257, 258
San Luis PotosÌ 155, 165, 206
San Pedro 273
ISBN 409
Santa Rita 257
scaling up 357
scarlet fever 155
Schnapskopf 150, 154
schneckenwesen 280
scorpion stings 155
sei 150
Seimayi 154
seni 150
seÒi 150
Shumla Cave 219
Sierra de CÛrdoba 107
structure 322
skin diseases 155
snake-bite 155
solubility of solvents 392
solvent hazards 392
solvent properties 392, 393
table 392
endnotes 394
Some simple tryptamines
ISBN 409
peyote 225, 226
Sonora 165
Sophora secundiflora 152, 222
flowering 218
seed 220
seedpods 219
sores 155
spasms 155
structure 322
spines on peyote 131, 163, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 433
SS02 90
Standard 414
Staphylococcus aureus 212
Staphylococcus pyogenes 212
structure 324
structure 324
Stenocereus beneckei 93
Stenocereus eruca 93, 246
Stenocereus hystrix 271
Stenocereus stellatus 93
Stenocereus treleasei 93, 249
Stetsonia coryne 93
structure 324
stimulant 155
Strombocactus lophophoroides 252
Strombocactus pseudomacrochele 254
var. krainzianus 254
Strombocactus schmiedickeanus 256
Strombocactus schwarzii 258
structure table
isoquinolines 316
phenethylamines 312
triterpenoids 322
strychnine-like 211
sugar 150
suggested reading 374
superior peyote 154
supernatural protection 155
swooning 155
structure 312
table of contents 5
structure 324
structure 324
tarbush 167
Taumaulipas 155
Taylor 1941 220
structure 317
structure 317
teocomitl ahuitzyo 150
teonanacatl 150, 151
structure 317
Terry et al. 2005 219
tetrahydrofuran 393
Texas mountain-laurel 222
Thelocactus lophophoroides 252
THF 393
structure 324
structure 324
structure 324
TJG. See Juul’s Giant
Todd 1969 134, 205
isolation abstract 352
toluene 393
tonic 155
toothache 155
topi 150
tops 151
Toumeya krainziana 254
Toumeya lophophoroides 252
Toumeya pseudomacrochele 254
Toumeya schmiedickeanus 256
Toumeya schwarzii 258
traces 260
treleasegenic acid
structure 324
Trichocereeae 94
structure 315
aff. bridgesii 319
aff. huanucoensis 93
Trichocereus bridgesii 93, 307
HBG 28
monstrose 13, 93, 445
crest 377, 444
cristate 377, 444
SS02 90
Trichocereus cephalomacrostibas 261
Trichocereus crassicostatus 307
Trichocereus cuzcoensis 93, 307, 477
Trichocereus cv.
Lumberjack 277
Trichocereus fulvilanus 14, 93, 377
Trichocereus glaucus 307, 395
Trichocereus huanucoensis 93, 423
Peru 56.1153 350
Trichocereus knuthianus 307
Trichocereus macrogonus 93
pup 478
Trichocereus pachanoi 93, 307, 418
compared to
pachanoi Ecuador 420
Ecuador 420
flowering 4
monstrosus 93
Peru 4
typical 418
Trichocereus pallarensis 93, 307, 93
forma Machac 307
Trichocereus peruvianoid 396
Trichocereus peruvianus 93, 353, 307, 424
Ancash 351
flower 3
Hutchison 543 89
in habitat 11, 12
KK242 395
Knize 396
Matucana 11, 12
monstrosus 93
RS0003 395
Trichocereus puquiensis 93
monstrosus 93
Trichocereus riomizquiensis 307
Trichocereus santaensis 93, 307, 93
Trichocereus scopulicola 93, 307, 73
Trichocereus sp
Juul’s Giant 93
SS03 426
Standard 414
Trichocereus strigosus 93
Trichocereus tacaquirensis 307
Trichocereus tacnaensis 307
var Estique 307
Trichocereus taquimbalensis 93, 425
in habitat 98
Trichocereus tarmaensis 412
Trichocereus terscheckii 93, 307
Quebrada del toro 377
Trichocereus terscheckioides 307
Trichocereus thelegonoides 93
Trichocereus torataensis 307
Trichocereus tulhuayacensis 261
Trichocereus uyupampensis 93, 412
Trichocereus validus 30, 93
Trichocereus vollianus 93
Trichocereus werdermannianus 93, 307
key to structure table 325
structural table 322
structure table 322
tuberculosis 155
tuna de tierra 150
entry 252
Turbinicarpus flaviflorus 252, 257
Turbinicarpus krainzianus 254
Turbinicarpus lophophoroides 93, 253
entry 252
Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele 254
entry 254
var. krainzianus 93, 254, 255
entry 254
f. minimus 255
Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus
entry 256
ssp. dickisoniae 257
var. flaviflorus 93, 257
entry 257
var schmiedickeanus 256
var. schmiedickeanus 256
var. schwarzii 93
entry 258
Turbinicarpus schwarzii 258
Turner & Heyman 1960
isolation abstract 353
turnip cactus 150
tyramine 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 126, 131, 134, 138, 139, 213, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258
structure 312
tzinouritehua-hicouri 154
ubadama 150
structure 316
structure 312
Ungnadia speciosa 219
uocoui 150
recovering mescaline 354
venereal diseases 155
Viesca/Vieska 131
VizarrÛn 121, 134, 136
walena 150
waname 150
wanamo 150
wanamu 150
watara 150
water 393
wax plant 167
structure 316
structure 319
Lophophora williamsii 1
w gwe i-a 151
whiskey barrel cactus 150
whiskey cactus 150
whiskey root 150, 154
whisky cactus 154
white mule 150, 154
William’s aloÎcactus 150
Williams, C.H. 150
witchcraft 155
wo-co-wist 150
wohoki 150
wokow 150
wokowi 150, 151
wokwi 150, 151
wonderful herb 150
woqui 150
wounds 155
xÌcori 150
xucladjin-dei 150, 152
xwucdjuyahi 150
xylene 393
yucca 167
Yucca filifera 167
Zacatecas 165
Zapata 155